Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wrightsville Beach Town Meeting Video Streaming up for Vote

On the agenda this Thursday (Nov 8th) at the TOWB BOA Town Meeting is a vote to accept the donation of video recording and streaming equipment, by Wrightsville resident Bill Columbus.

Video Recording and Streaming has previously been turned down by a 3-2 vote of the BOA. At last month's meeting Bill Columbus came forward with his generous offer, but the decision was tabled pending review by Town Attorney John Wessel.

So tomorrow night it is back on the table. Please let our elected officials know of your need for and your support for Video Streaming of our Town Meetings.

It's easy, just send a single email to our 5 elected Wrightsville Beach officials stating your support. Their email addresses are below. Thanks,  Liz

Mayor and Board of Aldermen
 David Cignotti, Mayor
 Susan Collins, Mayor Pro Tem
 Bill Sisson, Alderman
 Elizabeth King, Alderman
 Darryl Mills, Alderman

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