Sunday, November 3, 2013

Urgent Election Info...Wrightsville Beach

In those years when there is no Presidential Election, we all suffer from low voter turnout!

Why don't we vote? 
Don't we think it matters?

Not voting can be disastrous; many Executive, Legislative and Judicial government positions are up for grabs, that can and will have an enormous impact on our daily lives going forward. 

Mayors, Aldermen, Councilmen... the people who govern our local communities are seeking our vote.... and our vote as singular and individual as it is, may make all the difference in the outcome... and for years to come.

Think about it, years to come! How we are taxed and what gets done with those tax dollars is what's at stake. Will it be spent strategically or perhaps frivolously? 

Critical Election at Hand in Wrightsville!

In Wrightsville Beach we do in fact have a rather critical election at hand. 

The current Board of Alderman in Wrightsville Beach have been predominately a 3 to 2 vote to stall that has stalled the strategic direction of WB time and again. It has been painful to attend the BOA Monthly meetings and observe the performance of Aldermen Collins, Mills and King.. they simply have refused to engage and address critical issues in our town. They have hidden behind their moronic moniker of being fiscal conservatives and thus has been a simpleton's dodge for let's avoid addressing the issues.
say it ain't so!
Let the future  Boards deal with this stuff... "we can look good just holding the world as is". But in a community that has in excess of $3 Billion in Real Estate Value and a year round population on 2500 that swells to 25,000 to 30,000 in season, and is in the path of potentially severe storms, we the citizens can not depend on "just holding things in place". We need active management of our strategic issues., planning for that rainy day and engagement with the regional, state and federal agencies and private partnerships. Whether you own property and live here, own property and visit here, rent here or just love to visit, the issues of Wrightsville Beach as a resort destination community loom before us. 

We now have up for election 2 Alderman seats.  Filling these seats with experience, demonstrated commitment and simple listening and engagement with the citizens is critical!

Good News!

We have 2 extremely qualified and tested candidates to take on those 2 Alderman seats.

Bill Sisson for WB Alderman on FB &
billsissonforalderman.blogspot .com
Bill Sisson our incumbent Alderman is running for re-election  

Re-Elect Lisa Weeks for Wrightsville Beach Alderman on FB &
Lisa Weeks a previous 
Alderman is seeking re-election.

       These two individuals Lisa Weeks and Bill Sisson are neighbors you will see around our town, engaged in speaking with citizen and our businesses in town before during and after election day, They are on the Loop, out on the water, at the beach and in committee meetings of other important organizations and government agencies, at beach sweeps and town fund raising events. Checkout their postings on Facebook etc. as noted above they have shared their views
unlike other candidates. 

Bill Sisson as been own most active Alderman, he has been Driving a regional coalition to delay the Biggert Waters Flood Insurance and he has succeeded. He has also been the Alderman focused on NC DOT projects and prioritization that effect WB . 

Lisa Weeks beyond her previous Alderman years 2 years ago has not rested for one moment. The Wrightsville Beach Foundation, Taste of Wrightsville  Beach, Masonboro Island, Hospice of Cape Fear have all had Lisa's experienced leadership hand at play. These 2 candidates are all about leadership.

 They spend their time connected to the citizens and the issues we face. Their Heart, Minds and Interests are focused on the community interests of the People of Wrightsville Beach.

Talk is cheap ... action speaks volumes!

           A comparison of Lisa and Bill to the other candidates (Andy Hall & Hank Miller for Alderman as well as the uncontested Mayor Candidate Bill Blair) will easily show that Lisa and Bill have "the" track record of open government, strategic thinking and engagement on Wrightsville issues and above all an absolute commitment of their time in seeing things through. 

          In the world of politics and government "talk is cheap". The track record of Lisa and Bill is clearly refreshing when it comes to our future needs.
I Voted

When we fail to vote we fail to push elections in the direction that we may want to see driving our future.

Please Vote.

Please vote for our 2 Alderman Candidates 
Lisa Weeks and Bill Sisson 

Please share this post with your friends who care about Wrightsville Beach.

 Thanks for reading, we encourage everyone to view the TOWB BOA Monthly Meetings ( Go to search Wrightsville Beach) to validate how local government has performed.

From the whole team at we welcome your comments.

Noah, Liz, Ned, Mike and quite a few other who encourage us. 

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